The Spanish Language Blog

Ecuador, the land of the Incas and the equator. It is a country with a rich history and a thriving culture. With influences mainly from Hispanic cultures, Ecuador is vibrant and varied. Varied in culture, but also definitely in landscapes. Ecuador is the country with one of the greatest biodiversity and has much to offer.

  • Ecuador is located in the middle of the equator and owes its name to that as well.
  • It all started with the indigenous Indian tribes and the Incas.
  • From Indians with colored ponchos to rumbling volcanoes, Ecuador has it all.

Spanish Word for "Equator"

Officially, the country is called: República del Ecuador (Republic of Ecuador). It got this special name due to the fact that it is located in the middle of the equator. This has given it not only a high temperature throughout the year, but also the name of the country. In fact, the Spanish translation of equator is ecuador. Ecuador is located in western South America and borders Colombia to the north and Peru to the east and south. As many as 14 different languages are spoken in the country, but only one is an official language; 94% of Ecuador's population speaks Spanish, with the rest speaking vernacular languages. Like any country, Ecuador has a number of major cities. The largest city is Guayaquil, however the capital is Quito. With its historic cities and rich Inca history, among other things, Ecuador is now on UNESCO's World Heritage List. The current presidential republic has left a great trail in world history.

Ecuador's history goes back to before the 15th century. The Incas were very important to Ecuador, but before they arrived, the country was filled with different Indian cultures. Most of the tribes words on the coast and in the highlands. The two most important tribes were the Quitus and the Caras. When the Incas settled in Ecuador in the 15th century, the empire expanded rapidly. The center of the Inca empire was Cuzco. In the 16th century, Ecuador was conquered by Spanish conquistadores and was a Spanish colony for about 300 years. The first city to become independent was Guayaquil, yet not all of Ecuador became independent immediately and for a short time the country remained part of the Republic of Greater Colombia. It wasn't until 1830 that Ecuador gained full independence when the Republic of Greater Colombia fell apart. From this time on, the country was very unstable and had many different leaders. Today it is a thriving, presidential republic.

The small but oh so versatile country of Ecuador has it all. From living volcanoes to beautiful waterfalls in the Amazon and from indigenous Indian tribes with colorful ponchos to colonial cities. Plus through-the-mountains-walking llamas and a jungle with monkeys. Ecuador has something for everyone and you will never be bored. The country can be divided into four zones: the Galapagos Islands (which are also part of Ecuador), the coast in the west, the Andes mountains in the middle of the country and the Amazon rainforest in the east.

Ecuador is one of the poorest countries in South America. As many as 45% of the population lives below the poverty line. In addition, there is high illiteracy, despite free and otherwise compulsory schooling for children aged 6 to 14. Because of poverty, children leave school early to go to work, a problem found in many poor countries. But despite the poverty, it is a beautiful country with very friendly and hospitable people. Ecuador also has some great things to offer tourists; besides the big cities of Guayaquil, Quito (capital) and Cuenca, the Sangay National Park and the special Galapagos Islands are very popular. Ecuador is vibrant and alive! Ecuador has it all!

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