Malaga Summer Camp

You can't go wrong with a summer on the Mediterranean, and our international camp in Malaga is no exception. In addition to an unbeatable location, we offer a broad selection of optional workshops and excellent sports facilities.
12-18 years old
60% Spanish / 40% international students
20 Lessons/week
+ 40 sports, workshops and excursions
8 different destinations

Finding Balance

Adolescence is the optimum time for students to open their eyes to the world and bond with people from different cultures and backgrounds. A summer camp on the beach where students will find their place in a close-knit international community on the Mediterranean.



There are few cities that represent the Andalusian ideal better than Malaga: sunny weather, proximity to the beach, traces of Moorish architecture, and the locals' lively spirit make it the perfect place to spend the summer. Our camp is located in Colegio Unamuno, on the outskirts of the city. Surrounded by nature, the school is just a half-hour walk from the beach.


The mild, beautiful weather of the Costa del Sol offers endless possibilities for students to enjoy spending time outside, whether they're playing sports or just relaxing. Paddle tennis, soccer, basketball, and swimming are just a few of the activities your children can participate in as they experience full Spanish immersion, practicing the language with fellow campers both inside and outside the classroom.


Students will have unlimited opportunities to practice Spanish as they interact with students from Spain and other countries. Forming friendships with people of other nationalities will open their minds and introduce them to new ideas and points of view — they may even get to know themselves better as they gain a more worldly perspective.


These international friends will accompany your children as they face challenging escape rooms, play fun conversation games, collaborate in creative workshops, embark on scavenger hunts that could take place underwater or around the city, and struggle to be the last person standing in an activity called Zombie Survival. Even after day trips to amazing nearby cities, like Granada, Marbella, or Seville, students are always glad to come home to their camp in Malaga.



  • Paddle Tennis
  • Soccer
Video thumbnail

School facilities & location

The Unamuno School is in Malaga's El Palo neighborhood. Traveling to Almeria by highway A7, take exit 246A, Juan Sebastián Elcano. The school is at the end of Reina Fabiola Street.
School Activity Agenda

Juniors Activities in Malaga- Sample 2 Weeks

Sunday | Welcome to Camp, Getting to Know You Games
Monday | Beach Day, Team Building Activities at the Beach
Tuesday | Water Sports and Games at the Pool, Pick a Workshop, Spanish Party
Wednesday | Trip to Cala de Mijas
Thursday | Flashmob, Capture the Flag
Friday | Underwater  Scavenger Hunt, Pick a Workshop, Speed Dating
Saturday | Excursion to Granada, Movie Night
Sunday | Water Sports Tournament; Scavenger Hunt
Monday | Multiadventure Amazonia and Escape Room
Tuesday | Visit La Malagueta and Play Clue
Wednesday | Excursion to Puerto Banus, Excursion to Marbella
Thursday | Pick a Workshop, Cultural Scavenger Hunt
Friday | Pool Day, Farewell Party
Saturday | Excursion to Water Park, Stargazing Activities

Seniors Activities in Malaga- Sample 2 Weeks

Sunday | Welcome to Camp, Getting to Know You Games
Monday | Beach Day, Team Building Activities, Dinner on the Beach
Tuesday | Water Sports, Just Dance, Pick a Workshop, Spanish Party
Wednesday | Trip to Cala de Mijas
Thursday | Flashmob, Permission Day, Capture the Flag 
Friday | Pool Day, Pick a Workshop, Speed Dating
Saturday | Excursion to Granada, Movie Night
Sunday | Permission Day, Flash Mob
Monday | Visit La Malagueta and Escape room
Tuesday | Multiadventure Amazonia and Pool Party
Wednesday | Excursion to Puerto Banus and Marbella
Thursday | Permission Day and Pick a Workshop
Friday | Pool Day and Farewell Party
Saturday | Excursion to the Water Park and a Night Walk
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Prices for the summer camp in Málaga

1 week 1245€

2 weeks 2155€

4 weeks 4155€

6 weeks 5995€

You can personalize your summer camp with optional activities and extra services
Get your price
“Adorei estar com meus novos amigos! Todos os dias tínhamos coisas diferentes para fazer como jogos, excursões, viagens, fogueiras, artesanato, oficinas... Eu me diverti muito, fiz novos amigos e estou muito feliz com todos os amigos internacionais que fiz".

Sanna (Suécia - 14 anos)

"As aulas são muito divertidas, adorei as atividades. Gostaria que o Verão tivesse durado mais tempo para poder praticar mais esportes, fazer mais festas e participar em mais workshops... Foi ótimo!"

Anna (Brasil - 17 anos)

"Hoje foi um dia muito legal! Fomos à praia e fizemos uma corrida de obstáculos. Quando voltamos ao acampamento, os monitores colocaram um filme e se fantasiaram como as personagens. Foi muito divertido."

Juliette (França - 6 anos)

"A melhor parte para mim foi conhecer pessoas de todo o mundo em um só lugar. Aprendi mais espanhol em duas semanas do que em toda a minha vida, nas aulas da minha escola. Meu companheiro de quarto, Jordi, era um menino muito legal de Barcelona. Foram umas semanas excelentes. E amei Salamanca... é lindo. "

William (Reino Unido - 10 anos)

Sanna - Suécia Anna BR Juliette FR William Reino Unido

Other Summer Camps


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