The Spanish Language Blog

Of course, you can visit Spain's famous big cities. But how about looking at Spain from the other side? In Spain you can find the most beautiful places, places in Spain where tourists do not come (yet), but of course also places that have already been discovered by mass tourism. Read more about the most beautiful places in Spain here.

For example, you have the town of Nerja. A few years ago this was very quiet but slowly it is starting to get a little busier and busier. The famous protruding rock point with gigantic panoramic terrace is also called the ''Balcon de Europa''. Through this ''Balcony of Europe'' you have an impressive view of the city, the coast and the mountains. Spain's most photographed beach can also be found here. As well as the stalactite caves, these are called ''Las cuevas de Nerja.''

Desierto de Tabernas
The only desert in Europe has formed a type of flora and fauna all its own. This is due to the unique conditions in which the desert finds itself. The ''Desierto de Tabernas'' is not a typical sandy desert. It is a rugged desert in which you will also find rocky areas. The 280-square-mile desert is a protected area where the sun shines no less than 3,000 hours a year! The desert is located in southeastern Spain, just above Almeria.

Vejer de la Frontera
The Spanish often call this small town ''El pueblo blanco'' because so many white houses can be seen in its streets. It was once voted the most beautiful place in Spain, but despite this, it is still a fairly undiscovered travel destination.

This is the best preserved Moorish village in Andalusia. This picturesque white village is truly beautiful to see and to walk through, it is always atmospheric and is one of the most beautiful places in Spain.

Puente Nuevo
This giant bridge is an important feature of the city of Ronda. Ronda is split into two parts by a river that flows through the middle of it. Because of this, there is a gorge, the Tajo Gorge. The Puente Nuevo connects these parts. The walls of the gorge are 200 meters high, giving you impressive views into the depths from the bridge. From the Puente Arabe and Puente Viejo bridges you can view the ''hanging houses'' above the Tajo Gorge.

The most beautiful place in Spain, and also one of the best kept hidden, is Cadiz. It is the oldest inhabited port city in Western Europe. Cadiz's intimate Old Town is a paradise to walk through. It lies at the end of the peninsula and is almost completely surrounded by water. You will feast your eyes as you wander around among a maze of narrow streets after which you emerge onto one of the atmospheric plazas. Cadiz is la ciudad que sonríe, the city that smiles.

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