The seasons change every year, so let's take a look at a very appropriate topic: the seasons of the year in Spanish. The seasons of the year not only influence the weather, but also have a significant impact on our daily lives, because depending on the month, the season changes.

So why not to learn a bit more about it all in Spanish? After learning the vocabulary for weekend in Spanish, it is now the turn of the seasons and the months in Spanish. Each season has its own characteristics, and, depending on the month, it will change.

In this post you will learn the four seasons of the year in Spanish, as well as the 12 months of the year. You will be able to manage much better when talking about the seasons in Spanish and your vocabulary will increase.

You can find this article in Spanish if you want to practice the language, just click here.

Months of the year in Spanish

The months of the year are divided into twelve and, unlike in other languages, in Spanish they are not written in capital letters. Let's start by naming each of them:

  • Enero (January)
  • Febrero (February)
  • Marzo (March)
  • Abril (April)
  • Mayo (May)
  • Junio (June)
  • Julio (July)
  • Agosto (August)
  • Septiembre (September)
  • Octubre (October)
  • Noviembre (November)
  • Diciembre (December)

Depending on the month of the year, the season will change. And not only that, depending on the country, the seasons also vary. For example, when in Spain it is summer, in countries like Argentina, Chile or Peru it is winter.

Primavera (spring)

Spring is one of the most eagerly awaited seasons in many parts of the world, as it marks the beginning of good weather. This season in Spanish is called “primavera” and runs from March to June in the northern hemisphere, in countries such as Spain. In the southern hemisphere, however, it runs from September to December, in countries such as Argentina.

Here are some useful phrases to talk about this Spanish season:

  • “Me encanta ver las flores en primavera” (“I love to see the flowers in spring”).
  • “Me relaja escuchar a los pájaros cantar en primavera” (“It relaxes me to listen to the birds sing in spring”).
  • “Me gusta el clima templado de la primavera” (“I like the mild weather in spring”).

Verano (summer)

Summer is almost everyone's favourite season. It is eagerly awaited during the rest of the year because it means enjoying the sun, the beach and holidays. It is called “verano” in Spanish; and this season of the year lasts from June to September. In contrast, in some Latin American countries, summer starts in December and ends in March.

Here are some useful phrases with the word “verano” in it:

  • “Voy a la playa cada verano” (“I go to the beach every summer”).
  • Este verano viajaré a una playa paradisiaca” (“This summer I will travel to a paradisiacal beach”).
  • “Necesito protector solar porque el sol brilla fuerte en verano” (“'I need sunscreen because the sun shines brightly in summer”).
  • “Hace tanto calor en verano que a veces no puedo dormir” (“'It's so hot in summer that sometimes I can't sleep”).

Otoño (autumn or fall)

Autumn or fall is a season full of warm colours and fallen leaves. This season in Spanish is called “otoño” and lasts from September to December in Spain. And, as in the previous cases, in countries like Argentina, it runs from March to June.

Here are some useful phrases to talk about this Spanish season:

  • “Me encanta el sonido de las hojas al caer en otoño” (“I love the sound of the leaves falling in autumn”).
  • “Es bonito ver cómo los árboles cambian de color en otoño” (“It's nice to see the trees change colour in autumn”).
  • “Necesito un suéter porque hace fresco en otoño” (“I need a jumper because it's cool in autumn”).

Invierno (winter)

Winter brings with it cold, snow and Christmas festivities. The name of this season in Spanish is “invierno”. In Spain, winter starts in December and ends in March. In Bolivia or Paraguay, on the other hand, winter lasts from June to September.

These examples to talk about winter in Spanish will be useful:

  • Me encanta hacer muñecos de nieve en invierno” (“I love making snowmen in winter”).
  • “El invierno es mi época favorita del año porque es Navidad” (“Winter is my favourite time of the year because it’s Christmas”).
  • Necesito mi abrigo y bufanda para salir en invierno” (“I need my coat and scarf to go out in winter”).

These phrases will help you understand and talk about the seasons and months of the year in Spanish. Remember that constant practice is key to improving your Spanish vocabulary and fluency.

But if you want to learn surrounded by culture, good atmosphere and with native teachers, don't hesitate to come and learn Spanish in Spain. Don Quijote offers intensive Spanish courses for any level and for all ages. Improve your level of Spanish with don Quijote's courses and live a unique experience in a Spanish-speaking country.

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