The Spanish Language Blog

Traveling through Spain, enjoying Spanish life under the sun! Travel in general has become one of the most popular leisure activities of most people in recent years. This year, an estimated 1 billion people will go on vacation! Spain is one of the most popular vacation destinations in Europe.

This trend starts especially with the youth between 18-25 years old. Taking a year off to work or going on a year of travel is increasingly becoming a popular option. This is a result of reducing the relative distance between 2 places. The relative distance between two places is the time it takes to get from one place to another. This has become shorter over the years through technological advances of land, sea and air travel.

Because the distance between different places is smaller, the ability to travel is also easier. It used to be special if you went abroad for vacation. Nowadays, we don't do anything else and most families go on vacation abroad at least twice a year. Many study trips are also taken, whether it is studying abroad or learning a language abroad, nowadays anything is possible! A study trip is an experience for life, you learn from it and you meet many different people. Study trips to Barcelona, Madrid, Granada and Salamanca are the most visited study destinations.

Accessibility in a country is very important. Therefore, in Spain there are many buses and trains that can take tourists from one city to another for relatively low prices. From Madrid the trains in Spain run in all directions, Madrid is located in the middle of Spain which ensures the many directions. The roads in Spain are also good, making a car vacation to Spain easy to do as well. This allows you to see a lot of the country while being independent of any buses and/or trains. You can easily rent a car from the airport.

Did you know that the Madrid - Barcelona flight and vice versa are the most frequent flights in the world. Daily flights go from the largest city in Spain to the second largest city and back again. Because there are so many flights going every day, the airline tickets also have pleasant prices. Furthermore, many domestic flights go from the north to Andalusia and also to Catalonia. Because of this, many Spaniards also enjoy a vacation in their own country.

All in all, traveling to and through Spain is quite doable. There are many pristine spots of nature where mass tourism has not yet set its foot. It is therefore definitely worth doing a tour of Spain, especially with the pleasant climate that we Dutch are always so envious of!

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