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Music is the backbone of this conglomeration of traditions, languages, geographies, and cultures that we call Spain. Spanish heritage is surprisingly rich and diverse, and the music here, in its most “classic” form, provides a special source of inspiration for many Spaniards. Spain has 45 symphonic and/or philharmonic orchestras, but we’ll be taking a quick peek at Spanish youth orchestras.
Limited space for text has obliged us to focus our list on 10 of these groups. We certainly have no intention of undervaluing those that don’t appear here.
Joven Orquesta de la Comunidad de MadridThis group got its start in 1991 with 15 to 26 year old students from Madrid-area conservatories and music schools. Young musicians may only participate with the JOCM for up to 3 years, during which they attend classes taught by professional orchestra members. The JOCM puts on concerts every year in the Auditorio Nacional de Música, the Teatro Monumental, various theatres throughout Madrid, and as part of tours around Spain and Europe.
Joven Orquesta de la Generalitat ValencianaThe JOGV was also created in 1991 as a state-sponsored private entity. It remained private until 1996, when the Office of Culture, Education, and Science took over full responsibility. Members of the JOGV are between 16 and 25 years old. They must have also passed the final year of studies of their instrument at the intermediate level, and they must pass a test that will allow them to be members of the orchestra for 3 years. Members may prolong their membership for 3 more years after passing the required exams. The JOCV is made up of over 100 musicians who participate in a minimum of 3 yearly performances in Valencia.
Joven Orquesta Nacional de CataluñaIn 1993, maestro Josep Pons founded the Jove Orquesta Simfònica de Catalunya, which changed its name in 1999 to its current Joven Orquesta Nacional de Cataluña (JONC). The group’s main goal has been to provide young musicians from Catalonia comprehensive orchestral training through lessons with professionals and visits from some of international music’s most noteworthy figures. The JONC serves as a stepping stone for young talents to break into the world of professional music, where they may have the chance to join some of Catalonia’s greatest orchestras such as that of El Liceu or the Palau de la Música Catalana. (http://www.jonc.cat/)
Joven Orquesta Nacional de EspañaThe JONDE belongs to the Instituto Nacional de las Artes Escénicas y de la Música, which operates under Spain’s Department of Culture. The JONDE was founded in 1983 to help train young musicians before beginning their professional musical careers. Classes here are offered by prominent figures such as Mstislav Rostropovich, John Williams, Teresa Berganza, etc. The orchestra places a special focus on contemporary music, attested to by the creation of the Academia de Música contemporánea in 2003. This orchestra makes up part of the Asociación Española de Jóvenes Orquestas (AEJO) and the Federación Europea de Jóvenes Orquestas Nacionales (EFNYO). Young musicians who have completed 2 or 3 years with the JONDE may enter a scholarship program allowing them to finish their music studies in the country and with the teachers of their choice. (http://jonde.mcu.es/)
Academia de Estudios Orquestales de la Orquesta Sinfónica de TenerifeThis academy aims to create a bridge between the life of a music student and that of a music professional. The teaching staff is responsible for transmitting their knowledge with students of the JOST (Joven Orquesta Sinfónica de Tenerife). Former students have gone on to become members of the JONDE, the Orquesta Gustav Mahler, the Joven Orquesta de Canarias, and other institutions. This program has proven so successful that the academy has put on symphony and chamber music concerts in the Auditorio de Tenerife and in different venues in the Canary Islands and the rest of Spain. What started as a program with admissions limited to 16 students has grown to accept 65. (http://www.ost.es/)
Joven Orquesta Provincial de MálagaThis orchestra created in 1991 promotes passion for music in the province of Malaga and in the rest of Andalusia, focusing on helping young musicians develop their abilities to perform collective music and symphonic music in particular. The JOPM has an orchestral school, which accepts students aged 10 to 15 who will later join the JOPM and possibly go on to make a career as a professional chamber or symphony music player. (http://jopma.hol.es/index.php)
Joven Orquesta de la Fundación Caja DueroThis orchestra, sponsored by the Salamanca-based savings bank Caja Duero, makes up part of an educational project launched in 2005 to help young musicians develop their talent by working together with professional musicians. The project originated as a chamber orchestra with 21 musicians. Today it has 61. In 2006, this young orchestra participated in the musical project “Fl milegio musical salmantino”, an effort which earned the appreciation of Salamanca residents. (http://www.fundacioncajaduero.es/musica/orquesta_home.aspx)
Joven Orquesta Sinfónica de GranadaOver 10 years in existence, the JOSG is made up of musicians aged 15 to 23. It has an excellent reputation on a local and national level. The JOSG has participated in international festivals such as the Eurochestries and they’ve brought their wonderful brand of classical, symphonic, and chamber music to towns around the province of Granada where residents may not get the chance to hear it very often. The orchestra has also participated since 2008 in the FEX event of the Festival International de Música y Danza de Granada. It also receives the consistent support of the renowned Orquesta Ciudad de Granada. (http://www.josg.org/)
Orquesta de Jóvenes de la Provincia de AlicanteThe OJPA emerged in 2009 from the music-loving atmosphere that characterizes the region of Valencia and especially Alicante. Soloists and conductors of great prestige teach young members to develop and perfect their musical talent. The orchestra’s high level of education earned it great success in 2012 at the Teatro Monumental of Madrid, the home of RTVE’s Symphonic Orchestra. That same year, the young orchestra performed at the prestigious Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival in Germany. Last year, the OJPA invited the Swiss Jugendorchester Oberthurgau, the Twist Youth Orchestra of Brussels, and the JOPM to participate in the 1st Festival International de Orquestas de Jóvenes, held in Alicante. This year, the OJPA will take part in the Summa Cum Laude International Youth Music Festival Vienna, and it will host the 2nd Festival International de Orquestas de Jóvenes. (http://www.orquestadejovenesdelaprovinciadealicante.com/)
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