Are you learning Spanish and want to expand your vocabulary? You've come to the right place; in this article you will learn all the vocabulary you need to know to ask for directions in Spanish or an address when you're lost. But if you want to practice and read this text in Spanish click here. Enjoy the reading!

The importance of directions in Spanish

Knowing the directions is essential for getting around with confidence in a Spanish-speaking country. Asking for directions to an address, a place, or a restaurant, as well as telling someone how to get to the nearest metro station is essential for getting around in a place where Spanish is spoken.

Whether you are learning the language and want to expand your vocabulary or travelling to a new city and looking for a specific address, knowing how to ask for or understand directions in Spanish is essential. Here we will provide you some key Spanish phrases along with their English translations and practical examples of usage.

Asking for directions:

  • ¿Dónde está...? (Where is...?)
  • ¿Cómo llego a...? (How do I get to...?)

If you want to ask for the nearest metro or train station, the Spanish question would be: ¿Dónde está la estación de tren? (Where is the train station?) or ¿Cómo llego a la estación de metro? (How do I get to the metro station?).

On the other hand, if you are looking for a restaurant or a specific building, such as a museum, you could ask: ¿Dónde está el Museo del Prado (Where is the Prado Museum?) or ¿Cómo llego al restaurante de sushi? (How do I get to the sushi restaurant?).

Receiving directions:

  • Gira a la derecha (Turn right)
  • Gira a la izquierda (Turn left)
  • Seguir recto (Go straight ahead)

Example: If a person tells you how to get to a place that is close by, it could say: Gira a la derecha en la próxima esquina (Turn right at the next corner) or Sigue recto y gira a la izquierda, encontrarás tu destino (Go straight ahead and turn left, you'll find your destination).

Distances, locations and landmarks

  • Cerca de aquí (Nearby)
  • Lejos de aquí (Far from here)
  • Al lado de (Next to)
  • En frente de (In front of)

For example, if you must ask for directions to a shop or a bar, these are some typical phrases people can use: The sushi restaurant is nearby, just turn right to that street (El restaurante de sushi está cerca de aquí, solo gira a la derecha por esa calle) or La tienda está en frente del parque (The grocery store is in front of the park).

Confirmation and expressing gratitude:

  • ¿Es por aquí? (Is it this way?)
  • ¿Entendido? (Understood?)
  • Gracias por tu ayuda (Thank you for your help)
  • Estoy perdido/a (I am lost)

You may have understood the directions, but you want to make sure you do. These phrases will be useful to confirm it: ¿Por aquí se va a la calle principal? (Is it this way to the main street?) or El restaurante está por esa calle, ¿verdad (The restaurant is down that street, isn't it?).

And if you want to thank your interlocutor for his or her directions in Spanish, you can use this sentence: Gracias por tu ayuda, ahora sé cómo llegar (Thank you for your help, now I know how to get there).

Essential vocabulary to directions in Spanish

Remember that when you travel and ask for directions in Spanish, it is very useful to have a map or a mobile phone at hand. People are usually friendly and helpful, so don't hesitate to ask if you feel lost in an unknown city.

Because learning Spanish is an adventure and, if you are in a Spanish-speaking country like Spain, what better opportunity than to talk to the people of Madrid, Barcelona or Salamanca to ask for directions in Spanish and get to your destination. You will practice the language while discovering cities full of culture, art and good food.

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