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Close to the border triangle with Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay, where the Iguazu and Paraná rivers mingle, you will find one of the largest waterfalls in the world and stunning nature that says "you". This park bears the name National Park Iguazu and is also one of the areas with the highest biodiversity of any national park in South America. This extraordinary natural park was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List back in 1986 and was also chosen as one of the Seven Wonders of the World. This park is characterized by its extraordinary waterfalls and subtropical rainforest where the most extraordinary and extravagant flora and fauna coexist.

  • Iguazu National Park is located in the northeastern province of Misiones near the tri-border point of Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay and has a total area of 67,000 hectares.
  • The bird that received the honor of appearing on the park's logo is the swift.
  • Groundbreaking are the sustainability and environmental standards the park is implementing. The fact that the park is highly accessible to the disabled is also a mark of class.

National Park Iguazu is found the northeastern part of the province of Misiones in Argentina. With a total area of 67,000 hectares, of which 53,000 hectares is national park and the rest is protected nature reserve. The climate is subtropical and therefore the humidity is high: between 75% and 90%. Around February the average temperature is around 26 degrees Celsius and around June and July around 15 degrees Celsius. The climate and excellent temperatures make for exceptional flora and fauna, but Iguazu's most famous feature is its impressive waterfalls. Over a length of 2,700 meters and a height of 80 meters, these waterfalls are considered the natural separation between Argentina and Brazil. Of the as many as 275 waterfalls, one section that really stands out is the one where the waterfall almost seems to close. This is also called the devil's throat, garganta del diablo. The pictures already look spectacular, but to really see this you must have been there. The many hiking trails and footbridges that have been specially constructed for this purpose will lead you the way to this natural wonder.

Surrounding these falls is the subtropical rainforest with as many as 2,000 plant species. The national plant of Argentina, the seibo is a type of coral flower that is also represented here. Besides plants, the park is known for the bird species that fly and reside here. With 400 bird species, this is almost half of all the species found throughout Argentina. The swift is the most famous bird here and is therefore common. This swallow soars over the water and flies right past the falls and is therefore depicted on the logo of National Park Iguazu with the falls behind it.

Not only will you find birds and animals that abound here, it is also home to certain animals and plants that are in danger of extinction. The jaguar, tapir, black-masked gouan, anteater and certain eagles are some examples. National Park Iguazu is very conscious of protecting and preserving this natural area. This has also been one of the reasons why the area has been declared a national park, as sustainability and the environment are obviously high priorities here. This is reflected in the various ISO standards it has been allowed to receive in terms of environmental monitoring, and here they are the first in all of South America. Ultimately, this should help minimize and preserve the area, keeping the park ecologically balanced and allowing future generations to enjoy it to the fullest.

Besides protecting the park's flora and fauna, what makes it special is its high level of accessibility for the disabled. Throughout the park there is a train that also fits wheelchairs. This consumes less energy and blends in completely with nature. The same goes for the deaf, blind and visually impaired, they can explore the park with a guide. This makes National Park Iguazu accessible to all and so even the disabled can simply enjoy all this natural beauty.

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