Argentinian Literature

In this section, you'll find out more about Argentinian authors.

There are some great works of Argentinian literature and some very famous Argentinian writers. In this section, you can find out more about Argentinian authors like Julio Cortázar and Jorge Luis Borges. We will also tell you about some of the most famous Argentinian books. These pages are sure to whet your appetite for more!

We will tell you about Argentine literature from various times, both older and more modern. The first works of Argentine literature were produced in the 1500s and had indigenous influences. As the years progressed, works began to be produced largely from Cordoba, where the National University was. In this section, you can find out more about both readings about early authors like Matías Rojas de Oquendo and Pedro González de Prado and also modern authors like Borges and Cortázar.

Some Argentinian authors give a lot of influence to the Pampa, the countryside, in their works. This type of literature is known as Literatura Gauchesca. However, the themes covered by Argentinian literature, as in the literature of any country are pretty diverse. What’s more is that we also have some pages about Argentinian poetry. The famous Generation 37 were particularly renowned for their poetry and you can find out more about it here.